
MEDIA ADVISORY: Hundreds of DC Residents stand together at virtual rally for affordability at Hill East while District holds disposition hearing


Media contact: 

Amy Vruno vrunoiaf@gmail.com, 202-744-2302

Ryan James, comms@windc.org, 801-946-6159 

Thursday, May 20th, 2021, 6-7pm

Hundreds will stand together on the night that the District holds its hearing on the future of Reservation 13/ Hill East. Developers will present their visions for the fate of the land. The District will soon decide the future of the site of the former DC General Family Shelter. WIN is pressing for developers to commit to our affordability standards and work together with WIN to promote maximum affordability for District residents. WIN has engaged with four out of the five development teams in the weeks leading up to this hearing.

WIN is committed to ensuring the District work to build affordable housing, provide local jobs, and promote racial equity. Clergy and community leaders will stand in support 3,000 housing units at Reservation 13, including: 

– 1,000 units of deeply affordable homes at 0-30% of Area Median Income (AMI), 

– 1,000 units for people with incomes at 30-60% of AMI, 

– 1,000 units allocated at market rates. 

WIN will promote the vision of 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 Housing Equity, and economic opportunity in the form of family sustaining jobs constructing the development and within its commercial and retail spaces and priority opportunities for businesses that are Black, ethnic minority, and DC resident-owned.

WHO: Washington Interfaith Network Clergy and Community Leaders 

WHAT: Hundreds gather for virtual rally for affordability at Hill East / Reservation 13 & District holds key hearing

WHEN: Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm  

WHERE: On WIN’s Zoom watch party. Please let us know you’re coming here: http://bit.ly/Reservation13May20

Visuals: Hundreds of WIN leaders gathering virtually. 

Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), founded in 1996, is a broad-based, multi-racial, multi-faith, strictly nonpartisan, District-wide citizens’ power organization, rooted in local congregations and associations. WIN encourages leaders across the divides of race, culture, income, faith, and neighborhood to initiate public action on critical issues (e.g. affordable housing, public safety, youth, etc.) and to partner with and hold the government and corporate sectors accountable for addressing these issues.

WIN Strategy Team leaders Felicia Miller (left) and Anne Ford (right) in the campaign to close DC General, 2014

Rev. Dr. Lewis T. Tait and Rev. Ben Roberts speak at the Bridging the River rally at Reservation 13, 24 April 2021

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