Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

In over two decades of on-the-ground work, WIN has worked alongside city-wide allies to produce over 1,300 units of affordable rental and homeownership units, with hundreds more in the pipeline. We have organized for the improvement and preservation of hundreds more units. Year in, year out, WIN has contributed, along with many other advocates in the District, to the effort to fund affordable housing in the DC budgets.

Over the past year, we have made a more concerted effort to engage with hundreds of constituents district-wide directly and are currently prioritizing the creation of at least 400 units of affordable housing in Upper NW. WIN believes that if individuals work and serve the District’s residents, they should be allowed to live in the District.

FUNDING FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING We support DC government funding for the Housing Production Trust Fund, rent supplements, operating and capital for the Housing Authority, and other sources. We stand together with allied organizations including CNHED and DCFPI in our support.