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After 3-Year Fight, WIN Celebrates Passage of Bill to Close DC General & Open Community-Based Short Term Family Housing

PageLines- Collage2.jpgTuesday, May 31, 2016 the DC Council unanimously passed Bill 21-620 to replace DC General with smaller neighborhood short-term family housing across the city and included $59 Million in the FY2017 Capital Budget toward the effort!  It is an important milestone in a citywide effort by homeless families, community organizations, citizens, and the media to draw attention to the unacceptable conditions at DC General and to create a better alternative.   “We’re ecstatic about the unanimous vote today,” says Angela Wilson-Turnbull, a member of the Washington Interfaith Network, which has lobbied for three years to close D.C. General. “But we need to preserve all the affordable housing that exists in D.C. today and expand the availability of affordable housing to support our thousands of families in need.”Read & share the article by WAMU   WIN leaders should be proud of their contributions to raise this issue persistently.  WIN has been organizing around issues at DC General since 2013.  We sent faith leaders to have one-on-one conversations with families living at DC General and in June 2014 organized a 100-person action in front of DC General demanding improvements be made.  During the 2014 Mayor election WIN organized meetings with Mayoral candidates demanding that each commit that if elected they would close DC General and replace it with smaller, community based facilities in their first term.  In January 2015, WIN held a 900-person action with newly elected Mayor Bowser in the same week as her inauguration pressing that in the first 100 days of the administration Mayor Bowser appoint a new top team around homelessness and that she re-affirm her commitment to close DC General. With other DC community organizations, WIN pressed to ensure Mayor Bowser’s first budget included $40 million in capital funding to open short-term family housing to replace DC General Family Shelter and a 35% increase in funding for homelessness services.  In February 2016, the week Mayor Bowser proposed legislation, WIN organized over 100 leaders from faith congregations and many homeless families from DC General to attend community meetings to say Yes In My Backyard to homeless families.  Through May, as the Mayor and council met resistance to many proposed sites, WIN stayed firm attending community meetings, testifying at council hearings, and meeting with council members one-on-one urging them to not get stuck in gridlock but work for compromised and bring the bill to a vote before the end of May.   WIN commends Mayor Bowser for embracing the issue of family homelessness by appointing strong top officials to run the Department of Human Services (DHS), putting forth a bill to close DC General, and fiercely making the argument to close DC General.  The leadership of DHS Director Laura Zeilinger and her team has been critical to this effort and will remain critical in the next phase. We also thank Chairman Mendelson and the DC Council for their support of this issue and for ultimately making strong amendments to the bill that resulted in the final bill to close DC General.
The passing of this bill is an important start, but by no means an end.  WIN remains committed to pressing these short-term family housing sites through zoning and getting shovels in the ground so they can be open by 2018. Also, we know that building more affordable housing is an essential component to ending family homelessness. This year WIN is directly organizing and supporting getting a shovel in the ground on 99-units of affordable housing in Brightwood, pressing for the funding of 250-units of affordable housing in Ward 8 in the FY2016 Housing Production Trust Fund, and aggressively organizing tenants and faith leaders around sites that could be developed for affordable housing in 2017 and 2018 like 1125 Spring Rd NW and 33 K Street NW.  Now starts our press to ensure that the land at Reservation 13, where DC General currently resides, is dedicated to help fix the city’s affordable housing crisis.

5 thoughts on “After 3-Year Fight, WIN Celebrates Passage of Bill to Close DC General & Open Community-Based Short Term Family Housing

    1. You are right! Unless we opening affordable housing for people to move into after the 90-days this is no solution. WIN is pressing actively for and breaking ground on permanent supportive housing, and long-term affordable housing.

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